Plugins & Extensions

Enhance Your Digital Presence with Tailor-Made Plugins and Extensions. At Halal Ad, we specialize in creating custom solutions that supercharge your website’s functionality. Explore our Plugins and Extensions services to unlock a world of possibilities for your online platform

What Do We Offer?

Custom Plugin Development

Crafting plugins that cater to your clients’ specific needs, extending the functionality of their websites or applications.

Plugin Integration

Seamlessly integrating third-party plugins or extensions into websites to enhance features and capabilities.

Security Plugins

Designing and implementing security plugins to protect websites and user data from cyber threats.

E-Commerce Extension Development

Creating extensions and plugins that enhance the e-commerce experience, including shopping carts, payment gateways, and inventory management.

Search and Navigation Extensions

Developing search and navigation tools to help users find content or products more efficiently on websites and e-commerce platforms.

User Engagement Widgets

Crafting widgets that boost user engagement by providing features like comments, ratings, and social media sharing.

Content Management System (CMS) Enhancements

Developing custom plugins to extend the capabilities of popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal.

Analytics and Reporting Tools

Developing plugins or extensions that provide valuable insights and reporting capabilities to track website performance and user engagement.

Why Choose Us?



We have a dedicated team of developers with extensive expertise in creating custom plugins and extensions to enhance website or application functionality.


User Experience

Our plugins and extensions are designed with user-centric principles in mind, enhancing the user experience and engagement.


Security Measures

We implement robust security measures to protect websites and user data from potential cyber threats.


Seamless Integration

We ensure that third-party plugins and extensions are seamlessly integrated, allowing your website to operate efficiently and effectively.



We understand that every website or application is unique. Our team crafts tailor-made solutions that align with your brand’s identity, objectives, and audience.


Ethical Excellence

Our unwavering commitment to ethical and halal principles ensures that your brand’s integrity is preserved throughout the development process.